is a series of CD-Rs, created by Sergey Letov.

All the discs are manufactured at home by means of CD-writer Yamaha 8824S or Pioneer DVR-109, mainly for collection's in a small number of copies. Covers and labels are printed by means of color jet printer


TRI-O: Mickey Mouse - kaputt!

  1. Niche of the Light 4:53

  2. Mirage 6:49

  3. Mickey Mouse - kaputt! 8:05

  4. Archaic Blues I 3:40

  5. Like a Moving of Seasons 5:49

  6. 3 Holes of Woman 2:14

  7. Procession 5:18

  8. Martian music 4:40

  9. Invention 5:02

  10. Lenin in Zurich 4:14

  11. Requem B. 4:04

  12. Archaic Blues II 5:24

Recorded in studio,

Moscow 5.4.1997 and 1.11.1997

Sound Engineer - Olga Moshkova

Digital mastering - Sergey Letov

CD Cover Design by Galina Popova